Tauchen im Sinai and im Roten Meer - Dahab, Nuweiba, Taba, Scharm El-Scheich, Straße von Tiran und mehr
Desert Eco Tours bieten eine Vielfalt von Jeeptouren im Sinai an – eine Tauchsafari bildet den klassischen ruhigen Ausklang ihrer Zeit in dieser aussergewöhnlich abwechslungsreichen Region. Kontaktieren sie uns, wenn sie an alternativen Routen interessiert sind. Auch ein Hotel am Roten Meer (Taba bis Dahab Region) können wir gern für sie buchen.

4 Tage Tauchsafari von Taba nach Dahab:Am Abend vor der Safari überqueren wir die Grenze und borden unsere Yacht auf der Koralleninsel. Tag 1 – Checktauchgang am frühen Morgen vor der Koralleninsel um Ausrüstung und Fähigkeiten der Gruppe zu überprüfen. Gleich nach dem Tauchgang bewegt sich das Schiff im Wasser gen Süden, auf nach „Ras Mamlach“, einer der einsamen Tauchplätze der Ostsinai Strände. Weil das Ras recht schwierig zu erreichen ist, sind an diesem schönen Riff sehr wenige Taucher außer uns anzutreffen. Fast immer tauchen wir hier als einzige Gruppe. Unseren dritten Tauchgang machen wir am Außenriff von „Ras Abu Galoom“, einer faszinierenden Tauchstelle. Nachttauchgang am Riff von „Ras Abu Galoom“. Tag 2 – Unser erster Tauchgang führt von der wunderbaren Wand der „Glocken / Bells“ bis zum „Blue Hole“. Anschließend fahren wir an das berühmte Gabr el-Bint“, einer Region ca. 25 km südlich von Dahab deren Vielfalt von Korallen und Fischen ein wirklich einmalig faszinierendes Taucherlebnis garantiert. Nachttauchgang im „Gabr el-Bint“ und dann Fahrt in den Hafen von Dahab, wo wir über Nacht ankern. Tag 3 – Heute geht es in eine der wunderschönsten Tauchplätze des Sinai – „Nabeq“! Wir tauchen am „Nachlat el-Tal“, am „Ras Tanatur“ und an der „Maria Schneider“. Am Abend kehren wir zurück zum „Gabr el-Bint“. Tag 4 – Morgens wachen wir an der berühmten Tauchstelle, dem „Canyon“ auf, wo wir unseren Frühmorgentauchgang machen – weit vor den Gruppen aus Dahab, die zu späterer Stunde diesen Platz bevölkern. Weiter geht’s in Richtung Norden und den zweiten Tauchgang machen wir auf der uns noch unbekannten Seite des abwechslungsreichen „Ras Mamlachs“ – die wahnsinnige Korallenwand. Unseren dritten Tauchgang machen wir auf dem Weg nach Norden, an einer uns viel versprechend aussehender Tauchstelle – mit diesem Erkundungstauchgang nehmen sie Teil an unserer Suche nach neuen Tauchstellen. Nun geht es direkt zurück gen Eilat. Preis: 795$ Im Preis inklusive: volle Verpflegung, israelischer zertifizierter und erfahrener Tauchguide, ägyptischer Tauchguide, Flaschen und Blei Nicht im Preis enthalten: persönliche Tauchausrüstung – fuer 30$ am Tag zu mieten, Tauchlampe Dieses Programm ist ein Vorschlag der gerne den Ideen der Teilnehmer/innen nach geändert werden kann und auch vom Skipper den Wetterverhältnissen und der Seelage entsprechend angepasst werden kann. Sollten wir Aenderungen der Route vornehmen, so werden wir an Stellen tauchen, die sie nicht weniger begeistern werden als die oben geplanten.
3 Tagesroute – Von Taba nach Dahab
Wer keine 4 Tage Zeit hat, kann auch eine 3 Tage Safari buchen. Die Route ist so wie die oben beschriebene, aber ohne die "Nabeq" Tauchplätze des dritten Safari Tages
Preis: 650$ pro Person Im Preis inklusive: volle Verpflegung, israelischer zertifizierter und erfahrener Tauchguide, ägyptischer Tauchguide, Flaschen und Blei Nicht im Preis enthalten: persönliche Tauchausrüstung – fuer 30$ am Tag zu mieten, Tauchlampe
Wir bieten viele Tauchsafaris an – weiter geht es hier in den Beschreibungen erst mal auf englisch, aber wenn sie Information auf deutsch möchten, schreiben sie uns einfach eine Mail!
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Aus Eilat können sie nicht nur leicht und bequem in den Sinai erkunden, sondern auch den Rest Ägyptens kennen lernen. Unsere Jeeptouren in Eilat sind ein toller Weg für alle die wenig Zeit haben, die Wüste in Israel kennen zu lernen. Beliebte Ziele sind Petra in Jordanien und andere Reisen in Jordanien.
Desert Eco Tours with Ilan Vered offer diving cruises in the Red Sea and the Sinai coast with a wide range of itineraries. These sailings explore the world's greatest dive sites, from the astounding Straits of Tiran through the numerous wrecks that lay in the Gulf of Suez (some of which are hundreds of years old), to the ultimate dive sites of Southern Egypt. Join us on our adventures in the Red Sea for an experience that will leave you hooked…. The sailings are meticulously planned by an experienced diving instructor/cruise director who supervises the diving and itinerary of each sailing. We use the best boats available in the Red Sea, the Sea Queen fleet, three vessels (Sea Queen I, II, III). These boats are fitted with modern equipment and afford divers a perfect diving holiday. We make every effort to provide the best in hospitality and comfort to our clients. We offer private sailings or, for individual or group bookings a date from our published schedule (see below). On all sailings prior to every dive a briefing is given about the site, its recommended depth and any specific safety concerns. Between dives we enjoy buffet style meals with a variety of menus. You can relax on the spacious deck or in the air-conditioned cabins. The boats are equipped with four toilets/showers, a large salon and sun decks. Soft drinks, tea and coffee are all available free of charge.
3 day sailing to the Straits of Tiran This sailing is suitable for divers wishing quality dives without requiring Egyptian visas. The main area of diving in this itinerary is the Straits of Tiran. This is a narrow and relatively shallow (300 meter) area of the Red Sea, closed to the east by the island of Tiran, and to the west by the fringing reefs of the Sinai. The Straits of Tiran join the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba to the northern Red Sea and are affected by semi-diurnal tides that are rich in nutrients. This environment creates an exceptional reef ecosystem that includes vast coral colonies and myriad fish life. The abundance of food also attracts larger predators such as barracuda, shark and rays. Most of the dives here are “drift dives” where you drift down current along the reef. Day 1- Cross the border at night, direct transit to Sharem and board the boat early morning. “Check Dive” at Ras-Umm-Sid, one of the best sites in the Sharem area. The second dive takes place at the Far Garden, a shallow relaxing dive along the rich reef. The third dive is a night dive in the lagoon of Gordon Reef at the Straits. Day 2- Three outstanding dives on the west side of the Thomas, Woodhouse and Jackson Reefs. Overnight mooring and night dive in the North Lagoon of Tiran Island. Day 3- Three dives on the east side of the Gordon, Thomas and Woodhouse reefs. Return to port at 1700 and cross the border at approx. 2100. Price of sailing $370 per person.
4 day sailing to Ras Mohammed and the Straits of Gubal (Egyptian Visa required). Day 1- Meeting in Eilat in the evening before the first full day. Cross the border at Taba from where land transport is provided to the port in Sharem (3 hours approx). Boarding vessel early morning, cabin assignment and departure. First dive (check dive) at the Alternatives. Departure and sailing west to Shaab Abu Nuhas for the second dive on the wreck on the Carnatic, a British steamer/sail ship which went aground on route to India. A fantastic dive and the option of entering the wreck makes this site unforgettable. Third dive at Yellow Reef, a colorful dive along a shallow wall. This dive is repeated at night. Day 2- Early morning dive on the classic wreck Giannis- D. The ship rests on the bottom in two parts and both the bow and bridge sections can be explored. Following this dive we sail north towards Gubal Island where we make the second dive. The third dive is planned on the east side of Shag Rock. Here we also explore the wreck Sarah H that went aground on one of the most beautiful reefs in this region. A night dive is made at Shag Rock or Shaab Ali. Day 3- At first light we moor above the wreck of the Thistlegorm, a British vessel that was sunk by the Germans during WWII. The ship was loaded with trucks, motorcycles, guns and munitions, and now she is one of the world's most famous wreck sites. We conduct two dives on the wreck before sailing to the beautiful reef at the Big Crack where we make the day's third dive. At sunset we moor at Stingray Station for a night dive. Day 4- With the sunrise we sail to Ras Mohammed and make an early morning dive at Shark Reef. Any description of this dive cannot match the reality. We conduct two dives here and also explore the remains of the wreck Yolanda that went aground in the 70's. For the third dive, a site is chosen from one of the variety of reefs in the Ras Mohammed area for a relaxing “drift dive”. Return to port in the evening. Price of sailing $450 per person
6- 8 day Sailing to Southern Egypt A once in a lifetime experience, we reach those remote regions that have escaped the masses of divers. In addition to those sites mentioned in Itinerary 2such as Ras Mohammed and the Alternatives, we will also sail south through Safaga to Panorama Reef famous for the hammerhead sharks that pass along the reef wall. From there we head to Abu-Kayfan for more exciting wall dives. Elphinston Reef also known as the ‘Ras Mohammed of the South, is a spectacular reef and one of the most beautiful sites in the region. At the northern tip, various sharks, including oceanic white sharks, can be observed. The southernmost site of the expedition is Ras Samadai, which is commonly referred to as the ‘Dolphin Reef of the South' due to the friendly schools of dolphins that have made this reef their home. Swimming with dolphins and spectacular long caves create rare photographic opportunities. Our motto at Samadai and Shaab Sharm Reef is, “new day new sharks…” Further dives are made on the shallow picturesque reef of Abu-Dabbab. We also make dives on the wreck of the Salem Express, a large passenger ferry that struck the reef and sank with thousands of people on board as they attempted to escape from Kuwait during the first Gulf War. We dive at Ras Abu Soma and the island of Giftun. We dive the wrecks of the “Rosalie Mowler” a sister ship of the Thistlegorm, that was discovered just recently, and the wreck of the Ulysses at the Island of Gubal. The last day is spent at Ras Mohammed. In all, 8 days of fantastic fun. This sailing is on board the Sea Queen- 1, a vessel of 45 meters, very well appointed and equipped. All cabins are doubles with air-conditioning and ensuite toilets/showers. Price of sailing $1200 per person.
The above-mentioned itineraries are a sample only. Changes can be made at the request of a group or at the skipper's discretion with regard to weather conditions. In case of changes alternate dive sites of high standard will be visited.
Price includes: land transit Taba- Sharm- Taba, in a/c minibus, full board, an experienced diving instructor/cruise director, air and weight belts. Price does not include: transit to and from Eilat, border tax - $25 per person, Egyptian Visa (when required), tips for the crew of the boat ($5 a day), diving equipment (available for hire with prior notice), torch for night dives (available on the boat for $5 inc. batteries), diving insurance, and health insurance for traveling.

Tauchen im Roten Meer

Tauchsafari im Sinai

Sinai Safari

Rotmeer Tauchen
 Rotes Meer - Sinai

Ägypten - Rotes Meer

Sinai Tauchen

Dahab - Ägypten

Taba - Ägypten
Tauchsafari im Sinai

Tauchen im Roten Meer

Schnorcheln im Roten Meer

Sinai - Tauchen im Roten Meer
