Wussten sie, dass Eilat nicht nur ein idealer Startpunkt für Reisen nach Petra, sondern genauso ideal ist für Reisen zu den Pyramiden von Gizeh, für Reisen nach Kairo, für Reisen zum Katharinenkloster im Sinai, für Reisen im gesamten Sinai und für Reisen in die Nubische Wüste und Ost-Sahara?
Desert Eco Tours consists of a small team of distinguished desert guides. Each one is driven by a love of nature and a passion for deserts. The company enjoys a high profile and excellent reputation.
Erez Herrnstadt, desert guide of 20 years, he began his career guiding for Neot Hakikar and later Geographic Tours. He established Desert Eco Tours in order to fulfill his longstanding ambition to create a tour operation that both focused on the spirit and beauty of the desert and utilized the many talents and insights of the excellent guides in the field. This alternative to the repetitive set-itinerary of tour operators came at a time when travelers were becoming far more intrepid and discerning about their trips. This helped to make the enterprise a success. Erez is also a gifted desert photographer and all the desert pictures in this site are taken from his vast photo collection. A keen desert conservationist, it is Erez's refusal to compromise the quality of his tours in exchange for mass-market tourism that earned him his excellent reputation as a first-class tour operator. It is this consistency and dedication that keeps Desert Eco Tours in a class of its own.
Erez Fotogalerie
Abraham Shaked- Along with Manachem Markus, 'Shaked' is Israel's leading expert on desert guiding. Author of several guidebooks, Shaked's distinguished guiding career of 30 years began while he was the manager of the Field School in Sinai's High Range (before accurate maps of the area even existed). Today Shaked is a professional and dedicated conservationist, working for the Israeli Society for the Protection of Nature. An absolutely outstanding guide, Shaked is often imitated but impossible to match.
Manachem Markus- Manachem began his distinguished 30-year career, guiding in the depths of the Sinai desert. He has published several popular guide books covering Israel, Sinai, Negev, Jordan. He has worked for the Nature Reserve Authority and instructs tour guides for Israels Ministry of Tourism (both Erez and Itzick are among his former students). Manachem is probably the most renowned of Israel's elite guides.
Itzick Makovsky- During his 20 years of guiding in these deserts, Itick took a break to study at Stanford and returned with a Geophysics Ph.D. His deep love for the desert has never left him and with Desert Eco Tours Itzick continues to guide and explore in his own highly energetic and enthusiastic style.
Joza Vilf- Easy going, energetic and charismatic. Joza specialises in biblical history and combines biblical exerpts with modern day facts, bringing the bible to life in an interesting and contemporary manner. An excellent guide for families and pilgrim groups. For special Recommendations for Joza
Tomer Shaulov -Tour co-ordinater. Tomer came to Desert Eco Tours from the world of marine-biology and scuba diving. He has travelled the region extensively and at Desert Eco Tours is responsible for tour logistics.
Ilan Vered- A specialist in Red Sea diving, both by 4X4 Jeep and live-aboard diving safaris. He is a qualified PADI diving instructor and works with Desert Eco Tours arranging diving tours, hotels and flight reservations.
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